Creates an AWS Batch compute environment. You can create MANAGED
compute environments.
In a managed compute environment, AWS Batch manages the capacity and instance types of the compute resources within the environment. This is based on the compute resource specification that you define or the launch template that you specify when you create the compute environment. You can choose to use Amazon EC2 On-Demand Instances or Spot Instances in your managed compute environment. You can optionally set a maximum price so that Spot Instances only launch when the Spot Instance price is below a specified percentage of the On-Demand price.
Multi-node parallel jobs are not supported on Spot Instances.
In an unmanaged compute environment, you can manage your own compute resources. This provides more compute resource configuration options, such as using a custom AMI, but you must ensure that your AMI meets the Amazon ECS container instance AMI specification. For more information, see Container Instance AMIs in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide . After you have created your unmanaged compute environment, you can use the DescribeComputeEnvironments operation to find the Amazon ECS cluster that is associated with it. Then, manually launch your container instances into that Amazon ECS cluster. For more information, see Launching an Amazon ECS Container Instance in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide .
AWS Batch does not upgrade the AMIs in a compute environment after it is created (for example, when a newer version of the Amazon ECS-optimized AMI is available). You are responsible for the management of the guest operating system (including updates and security patches) and any additional application software or utilities that you install on the compute resources. To use a new AMI for your AWS Batch jobs:
Create a new compute environment with the new AMI.
Add the compute environment to an existing job queue.
Remove the old compute environment from your job queue.
Delete the old compute environment.
See also: AWS API Documentation
See ‘aws help’ for descriptions of global parameters.
--compute-environment-name <value>
--type <value>
[--state <value>]
[--compute-resources <value>]
--service-role <value>
[--cli-input-json | --cli-input-yaml]
[--generate-cli-skeleton <value>]
[--cli-auto-prompt <value>]
The name for your compute environment. Up to 128 letters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, hyphens, and underscores are allowed.
The type of the compute environment. For more information, see Compute Environments in the AWS Batch User Guide .
Possible values:
The state of the compute environment. If the state is
, then the compute environment accepts jobs from a queue and can scale out automatically based on queues.Possible values:
Details of the compute resources managed by the compute environment. This parameter is required for managed compute environments. For more information, see Compute Environments in the AWS Batch User Guide .
type -> (string)
The type of compute environment:
.allocationStrategy -> (string)
The allocation strategy to use for the compute resource in case not enough instances of the best fitting instance type can be allocated. This could be due to availability of the instance type in the region or Amazon EC2 service limits . If this is not specified, the default is
, which will use only the best fitting instance type, waiting for additional capacity if it’s not available. This allocation strategy keeps costs lower but can limit scaling. If you are using Spot Fleets withBEST_FIT
then the Spot Fleet IAM Role must be specified.BEST_FIT_PROGRESSIVE
will select additional instance types that are large enough to meet the requirements of the jobs in the queue, with a preference for instance types with a lower cost per vCPU.SPOT_CAPACITY_OPTIMIZED
is only available for Spot Instance compute resources and will select additional instance types that are large enough to meet the requirements of the jobs in the queue, with a preference for instance types that are less likely to be interrupted. For more information, see `Allocation Strategies < >`__ in the AWS Batch User Guide .minvCpus -> (integer)
The minimum number of Amazon EC2 vCPUs that an environment should maintain (even if the compute environment is
).maxvCpus -> (integer)
The maximum number of Amazon EC2 vCPUs that an environment can reach.
desiredvCpus -> (integer)
The desired number of Amazon EC2 vCPUS in the compute environment.
instanceTypes -> (list)
The instances types that may be launched. You can specify instance families to launch any instance type within those families (for example,
), or you can specify specific sizes within a family (such asc5.8xlarge
). You can also chooseoptimal
to pick instance types (from the C, M, and R instance families) on the fly that match the demand of your job queues.(string)
imageId -> (string)
The Amazon Machine Image (AMI) ID used for instances launched in the compute environment.
subnets -> (list)
The VPC subnets into which the compute resources are launched. For more information, see VPCs and Subnets in the Amazon VPC User Guide .
securityGroupIds -> (list)
The Amazon EC2 security groups associated with instances launched in the compute environment. One or more security groups must be specified, either in
or using a launch template referenced inlaunchTemplate
. If security groups are specified using bothsecurityGroupIds
, the values insecurityGroupIds
will be used.(string)
ec2KeyPair -> (string)
The Amazon EC2 key pair that is used for instances launched in the compute environment.
instanceRole -> (string)
The Amazon ECS instance profile applied to Amazon EC2 instances in a compute environment. You can specify the short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an instance profile. For example, `` ecsInstanceRole `` or ``arn:aws:iam::<aws_account_id> :instance-profile/ecsInstanceRole `` . For more information, see Amazon ECS Instance Role in the AWS Batch User Guide .
tags -> (map)
Key-value pair tags to be applied to resources that are launched in the compute environment. For AWS Batch, these take the form of “String1”: “String2”, where String1 is the tag key and String2 is the tag value—for example, { “Name”: “AWS Batch Instance - C4OnDemand” }.
key -> (string)
value -> (string)
placementGroup -> (string)
The Amazon EC2 placement group to associate with your compute resources. If you intend to submit multi-node parallel jobs to your compute environment, you should consider creating a cluster placement group and associate it with your compute resources. This keeps your multi-node parallel job on a logical grouping of instances within a single Availability Zone with high network flow potential. For more information, see Placement Groups in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances .
bidPercentage -> (integer)
The maximum percentage that a Spot Instance price can be when compared with the On-Demand price for that instance type before instances are launched. For example, if your maximum percentage is 20%, then the Spot price must be below 20% of the current On-Demand price for that Amazon EC2 instance. You always pay the lowest (market) price and never more than your maximum percentage. If you leave this field empty, the default value is 100% of the On-Demand price.
spotIamFleetRole -> (string)
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon EC2 Spot Fleet IAM role applied to a
compute environment. This role is required if the allocation strategy set toBEST_FIT
or if the allocation strategy is not specified. For more information, see Amazon EC2 Spot Fleet Role in the AWS Batch User Guide .launchTemplate -> (structure)
The launch template to use for your compute resources. Any other compute resource parameters that you specify in a CreateComputeEnvironment API operation override the same parameters in the launch template. You must specify either the launch template ID or launch template name in the request, but not both. For more information, see Launch Template Support in the AWS Batch User Guide .
launchTemplateId -> (string)
The ID of the launch template.
launchTemplateName -> (string)
The name of the launch template.
version -> (string)
The version number of the launch template.
Default: The default version of the launch template.
Shorthand Syntax:
JSON Syntax:
"type": "EC2"|"SPOT",
"minvCpus": integer,
"maxvCpus": integer,
"desiredvCpus": integer,
"instanceTypes": ["string", ...],
"imageId": "string",
"subnets": ["string", ...],
"securityGroupIds": ["string", ...],
"ec2KeyPair": "string",
"instanceRole": "string",
"tags": {"string": "string"
"placementGroup": "string",
"bidPercentage": integer,
"spotIamFleetRole": "string",
"launchTemplate": {
"launchTemplateId": "string",
"launchTemplateName": "string",
"version": "string"
The full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that allows AWS Batch to make calls to other AWS services on your behalf.
If your specified role has a path other than
, then you must either specify the full role ARN (this is recommended) or prefix the role name with the path.Note
Depending on how you created your AWS Batch service role, its ARN may contain the
path prefix. When you only specify the name of the service role, AWS Batch assumes that your ARN does not use theservice-role
path prefix. Because of this, we recommend that you specify the full ARN of your service role when you create compute environments.
| --cli-input-yaml
Reads arguments from the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by --generate-cli-skeleton
. If other arguments are provided on the command line, those values will override the JSON-provided values. It is not possible to pass arbitrary binary values using a JSON-provided value as the string will be taken literally. This may not be specified along with --cli-input-yaml
Prints a JSON skeleton to standard output without sending an API request. If provided with no value or the value input
, prints a sample input JSON that can be used as an argument for --cli-input-json
. Similarly, if provided yaml-input
it will print a sample input YAML that can be used with --cli-input-yaml
. If provided with the value output
, it validates the command inputs and returns a sample output JSON for that command.
Automatically prompt for CLI input parameters.
See ‘aws help’ for descriptions of global parameters.
To create a managed compute environment with On-Demand instances
This example creates a managed compute environment with specific C4 instance types that are launched on demand. The compute environment is called C4OnDemand.
aws batch create-compute-environment --cli-input-json file://<path_to_json_file>/C4OnDemand.json
JSON file format:
"computeEnvironmentName": "C4OnDemand",
"type": "MANAGED",
"state": "ENABLED",
"computeResources": {
"type": "EC2",
"minvCpus": 0,
"maxvCpus": 128,
"desiredvCpus": 48,
"instanceTypes": [
"subnets": [
"securityGroupIds": [
"ec2KeyPair": "id_rsa",
"instanceRole": "ecsInstanceRole",
"tags": {
"Name": "Batch Instance - C4OnDemand"
"serviceRole": "arn:aws:iam::012345678910:role/AWSBatchServiceRole"
"computeEnvironmentName": "C4OnDemand",
"computeEnvironmentArn": "arn:aws:batch:us-east-1:012345678910:compute-environment/C4OnDemand"
To create a managed compute environment with Spot Instances
This example creates a managed compute environment with the M4 instance type that is launched when the Spot bid price is at or below 20% of the On-Demand price for the instance type. The compute environment is called M4Spot.
aws batch create-compute-environment --cli-input-json file://<path_to_json_file>/M4Spot.json
JSON file format:
"computeEnvironmentName": "M4Spot",
"type": "MANAGED",
"state": "ENABLED",
"computeResources": {
"type": "SPOT",
"spotIamFleetRole": "arn:aws:iam::012345678910:role/aws-ec2-spot-fleet-role",
"minvCpus": 0,
"maxvCpus": 128,
"desiredvCpus": 4,
"instanceTypes": [
"bidPercentage": 20,
"subnets": [
"securityGroupIds": [
"ec2KeyPair": "id_rsa",
"instanceRole": "ecsInstanceRole",
"tags": {
"Name": "Batch Instance - M4Spot"
"serviceRole": "arn:aws:iam::012345678910:role/AWSBatchServiceRole"
"computeEnvironmentName": "M4Spot",
"computeEnvironmentArn": "arn:aws:batch:us-east-1:012345678910:compute-environment/M4Spot"
computeEnvironmentName -> (string)
The name of the compute environment.
computeEnvironmentArn -> (string)
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the compute environment.