[ aws . gamelift ]



Upload a new build to AWS GameLift.

See ‘aws help’ for descriptions of global parameters.


--name <value>
--build-version <value>
--build-root <value>
[--operating-system <value>]


--name (string) The name of the build

--build-version (string) The version of the build

--build-root (string) The path to the directory containing the build to upload

--operating-system (string) The operating system the build runs on

See ‘aws help’ for descriptions of global parameters.


Example1: To upload a Linux game server build

The following upload-build example uploads Linux game server build files from a file directory to the GameLift service and creates a build resource.

aws gamelift upload-build \
    --name MegaFrogRaceServer.NA \
    --build-version 2.0.1 \
    --build-root ~/MegaFrogRace_Server/release-na \
    --operating-system AMAZON_LINUX_2


Uploading ~/MegaFrogRace_Server/release-na:  16.0 KiB / 74.6 KiB (21.45%)
Uploading ~/MegaFrogRace_Server/release-na:  32.0 KiB / 74.6 KiB (42.89%)
Uploading ~/MegaFrogRace_Server/release-na:  48.0 KiB / 74.6 KiB (64.34%)
Uploading ~/MegaFrogRace_Server/release-na:  64.0 KiB / 74.6 KiB (85.79%)
Uploading ~/MegaFrogRace_Server/release-na:  74.6 KiB / 74.6 KiB (100.00%)
Successfully uploaded ~/MegaFrogRace_Server/release-na to AWS GameLift
Build ID: build-a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111

Example2: To upload a Windows game server build

The following upload-build example uploads Windows game server build files from a directory to the GameLift service and creates a build record.

aws gamelift upload-build \
    --name MegaFrogRaceServer.NA \
    --build-version 2.0.1 \
    --build-root C:\MegaFrogRace_Server\release-na \
    --operating-system WINDOWS_2012


Uploading C:\MegaFrogRace_Server\release-na:  16.0 KiB / 74.6 KiB (21.45%)
Uploading C:\MegaFrogRace_Server\release-na:  32.0 KiB / 74.6 KiB (42.89%)
Uploading C:\MegaFrogRace_Server\release-na:  48.0 KiB / 74.6 KiB (64.34%)
Uploading C:\MegaFrogRace_Server\release-na:  64.0 KiB / 74.6 KiB (85.79%)
Uploading C:\MegaFrogRace_Server\release-na:  74.6 KiB / 74.6 KiB (100.00%)
Successfully uploaded C:\MegaFrogRace_Server\release-na to AWS GameLift
Build ID: build-a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111

For more information, see Upload a Custom Server Build to GameLift in the Amazon GameLift Developer Guide.