[ aws . es ]



Modifies the cluster configuration of the specified Elasticsearch domain, setting as setting the instance type and the number of instances.

See also: AWS API Documentation

See ‘aws help’ for descriptions of global parameters.


--domain-name <value>
[--elasticsearch-cluster-config <value>]
[--ebs-options <value>]
[--snapshot-options <value>]
[--vpc-options <value>]
[--cognito-options <value>]
[--advanced-options <value>]
[--access-policies <value>]
[--log-publishing-options <value>]
[--domain-endpoint-options <value>]
[--advanced-security-options <value>]
[--node-to-node-encryption-options <value>]
[--encryption-at-rest-options <value>]
[--auto-tune-options <value>]
[--cli-input-json | --cli-input-yaml]
[--generate-cli-skeleton <value>]


--domain-name (string)

The name of the Elasticsearch domain that you are updating.

--elasticsearch-cluster-config (structure)

The type and number of instances to instantiate for the domain cluster.

InstanceType -> (string)

The instance type for an Elasticsearch cluster. UltraWarm instance types are not supported for data instances.

InstanceCount -> (integer)

The number of instances in the specified domain cluster.

DedicatedMasterEnabled -> (boolean)

A boolean value to indicate whether a dedicated master node is enabled. See About Dedicated Master Nodes for more information.

ZoneAwarenessEnabled -> (boolean)

A boolean value to indicate whether zone awareness is enabled. See About Zone Awareness for more information.

ZoneAwarenessConfig -> (structure)

Specifies the zone awareness configuration for a domain when zone awareness is enabled.

AvailabilityZoneCount -> (integer)

An integer value to indicate the number of availability zones for a domain when zone awareness is enabled. This should be equal to number of subnets if VPC endpoints is enabled

DedicatedMasterType -> (string)

The instance type for a dedicated master node.

DedicatedMasterCount -> (integer)

Total number of dedicated master nodes, active and on standby, for the cluster.

WarmEnabled -> (boolean)

True to enable warm storage.

WarmType -> (string)

The instance type for the Elasticsearch cluster’s warm nodes.

WarmCount -> (integer)

The number of warm nodes in the cluster.

Shorthand Syntax:


JSON Syntax:

  "InstanceType": "m3.medium.elasticsearch"|"m3.large.elasticsearch"|"m3.xlarge.elasticsearch"|"m3.2xlarge.elasticsearch"|"m4.large.elasticsearch"|"m4.xlarge.elasticsearch"|"m4.2xlarge.elasticsearch"|"m4.4xlarge.elasticsearch"|"m4.10xlarge.elasticsearch"|"m5.large.elasticsearch"|"m5.xlarge.elasticsearch"|"m5.2xlarge.elasticsearch"|"m5.4xlarge.elasticsearch"|"m5.12xlarge.elasticsearch"|"r5.large.elasticsearch"|"r5.xlarge.elasticsearch"|"r5.2xlarge.elasticsearch"|"r5.4xlarge.elasticsearch"|"r5.12xlarge.elasticsearch"|"c5.large.elasticsearch"|"c5.xlarge.elasticsearch"|"c5.2xlarge.elasticsearch"|"c5.4xlarge.elasticsearch"|"c5.9xlarge.elasticsearch"|"c5.18xlarge.elasticsearch"|"ultrawarm1.medium.elasticsearch"|"ultrawarm1.large.elasticsearch"|"t2.micro.elasticsearch"|"t2.small.elasticsearch"|"t2.medium.elasticsearch"|"r3.large.elasticsearch"|"r3.xlarge.elasticsearch"|"r3.2xlarge.elasticsearch"|"r3.4xlarge.elasticsearch"|"r3.8xlarge.elasticsearch"|"i2.xlarge.elasticsearch"|"i2.2xlarge.elasticsearch"|"d2.xlarge.elasticsearch"|"d2.2xlarge.elasticsearch"|"d2.4xlarge.elasticsearch"|"d2.8xlarge.elasticsearch"|"c4.large.elasticsearch"|"c4.xlarge.elasticsearch"|"c4.2xlarge.elasticsearch"|"c4.4xlarge.elasticsearch"|"c4.8xlarge.elasticsearch"|"r4.large.elasticsearch"|"r4.xlarge.elasticsearch"|"r4.2xlarge.elasticsearch"|"r4.4xlarge.elasticsearch"|"r4.8xlarge.elasticsearch"|"r4.16xlarge.elasticsearch"|"i3.large.elasticsearch"|"i3.xlarge.elasticsearch"|"i3.2xlarge.elasticsearch"|"i3.4xlarge.elasticsearch"|"i3.8xlarge.elasticsearch"|"i3.16xlarge.elasticsearch",
  "InstanceCount": integer,
  "DedicatedMasterEnabled": true|false,
  "ZoneAwarenessEnabled": true|false,
  "ZoneAwarenessConfig": {
    "AvailabilityZoneCount": integer
  "DedicatedMasterType": "m3.medium.elasticsearch"|"m3.large.elasticsearch"|"m3.xlarge.elasticsearch"|"m3.2xlarge.elasticsearch"|"m4.large.elasticsearch"|"m4.xlarge.elasticsearch"|"m4.2xlarge.elasticsearch"|"m4.4xlarge.elasticsearch"|"m4.10xlarge.elasticsearch"|"m5.large.elasticsearch"|"m5.xlarge.elasticsearch"|"m5.2xlarge.elasticsearch"|"m5.4xlarge.elasticsearch"|"m5.12xlarge.elasticsearch"|"r5.large.elasticsearch"|"r5.xlarge.elasticsearch"|"r5.2xlarge.elasticsearch"|"r5.4xlarge.elasticsearch"|"r5.12xlarge.elasticsearch"|"c5.large.elasticsearch"|"c5.xlarge.elasticsearch"|"c5.2xlarge.elasticsearch"|"c5.4xlarge.elasticsearch"|"c5.9xlarge.elasticsearch"|"c5.18xlarge.elasticsearch"|"ultrawarm1.medium.elasticsearch"|"ultrawarm1.large.elasticsearch"|"t2.micro.elasticsearch"|"t2.small.elasticsearch"|"t2.medium.elasticsearch"|"r3.large.elasticsearch"|"r3.xlarge.elasticsearch"|"r3.2xlarge.elasticsearch"|"r3.4xlarge.elasticsearch"|"r3.8xlarge.elasticsearch"|"i2.xlarge.elasticsearch"|"i2.2xlarge.elasticsearch"|"d2.xlarge.elasticsearch"|"d2.2xlarge.elasticsearch"|"d2.4xlarge.elasticsearch"|"d2.8xlarge.elasticsearch"|"c4.large.elasticsearch"|"c4.xlarge.elasticsearch"|"c4.2xlarge.elasticsearch"|"c4.4xlarge.elasticsearch"|"c4.8xlarge.elasticsearch"|"r4.large.elasticsearch"|"r4.xlarge.elasticsearch"|"r4.2xlarge.elasticsearch"|"r4.4xlarge.elasticsearch"|"r4.8xlarge.elasticsearch"|"r4.16xlarge.elasticsearch"|"i3.large.elasticsearch"|"i3.xlarge.elasticsearch"|"i3.2xlarge.elasticsearch"|"i3.4xlarge.elasticsearch"|"i3.8xlarge.elasticsearch"|"i3.16xlarge.elasticsearch",
  "DedicatedMasterCount": integer,
  "WarmEnabled": true|false,
  "WarmType": "ultrawarm1.medium.elasticsearch"|"ultrawarm1.large.elasticsearch",
  "WarmCount": integer

--ebs-options (structure)

Specify the type and size of the EBS volume that you want to use.

EBSEnabled -> (boolean)

Specifies whether EBS-based storage is enabled.

VolumeType -> (string)

Specifies the volume type for EBS-based storage.

VolumeSize -> (integer)

Integer to specify the size of an EBS volume.

Iops -> (integer)

Specifies the IOPD for a Provisioned IOPS EBS volume (SSD).

Shorthand Syntax:


JSON Syntax:

  "EBSEnabled": true|false,
  "VolumeType": "standard"|"gp2"|"io1",
  "VolumeSize": integer,
  "Iops": integer

--snapshot-options (structure)

Option to set the time, in UTC format, for the daily automated snapshot. Default value is 0 hours.

AutomatedSnapshotStartHour -> (integer)

Specifies the time, in UTC format, when the service takes a daily automated snapshot of the specified Elasticsearch domain. Default value is 0 hours.

Shorthand Syntax:


JSON Syntax:

  "AutomatedSnapshotStartHour": integer

--vpc-options (structure)

Options to specify the subnets and security groups for VPC endpoint. For more information, see Creating a VPC in VPC Endpoints for Amazon Elasticsearch Service Domains

SubnetIds -> (list)

Specifies the subnets for VPC endpoint.


SecurityGroupIds -> (list)

Specifies the security groups for VPC endpoint.


Shorthand Syntax:


JSON Syntax:

  "SubnetIds": ["string", ...],
  "SecurityGroupIds": ["string", ...]

--cognito-options (structure)

Options to specify the Cognito user and identity pools for Kibana authentication. For more information, see Amazon Cognito Authentication for Kibana .

Enabled -> (boolean)

Specifies the option to enable Cognito for Kibana authentication.

UserPoolId -> (string)

Specifies the Cognito user pool ID for Kibana authentication.

IdentityPoolId -> (string)

Specifies the Cognito identity pool ID for Kibana authentication.

RoleArn -> (string)

Specifies the role ARN that provides Elasticsearch permissions for accessing Cognito resources.

Shorthand Syntax:


JSON Syntax:

  "Enabled": true|false,
  "UserPoolId": "string",
  "IdentityPoolId": "string",
  "RoleArn": "string"

--advanced-options (map)

Modifies the advanced option to allow references to indices in an HTTP request body. Must be false when configuring access to individual sub-resources. By default, the value is true . See Configuration Advanced Options for more information.

key -> (string)

value -> (string)

Shorthand Syntax:


JSON Syntax:

{"string": "string"

--access-policies (string)

IAM access policy as a JSON-formatted string.

--log-publishing-options (map)

Map of LogType and LogPublishingOption , each containing options to publish a given type of Elasticsearch log.

key -> (string)

Type of Log File, it can be one of the following:

  • INDEX_SLOW_LOGS: Index slow logs contain insert requests that took more time than configured index query log threshold to execute.

  • SEARCH_SLOW_LOGS: Search slow logs contain search queries that took more time than configured search query log threshold to execute.

  • ES_APPLICATION_LOGS: Elasticsearch application logs contain information about errors and warnings raised during the operation of the service and can be useful for troubleshooting.

  • AUDIT_LOGS: Audit logs contain records of user requests for access from the domain.

value -> (structure)

Log Publishing option that is set for given domain. Attributes and their details:

  • CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn: ARN of the Cloudwatch log group to which log needs to be published.

  • Enabled: Whether the log publishing for given log type is enabled or not

CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn -> (string)

ARN of the Cloudwatch log group to which log needs to be published.

Enabled -> (boolean)

Specifies whether given log publishing option is enabled or not.

Shorthand Syntax:


Where valid key names are:

JSON Syntax:

      "CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn": "string",
      "Enabled": true|false

--domain-endpoint-options (structure)

Options to specify configuration that will be applied to the domain endpoint.

EnforceHTTPS -> (boolean)

Specify if only HTTPS endpoint should be enabled for the Elasticsearch domain.

TLSSecurityPolicy -> (string)

Specify the TLS security policy that needs to be applied to the HTTPS endpoint of Elasticsearch domain. It can be one of the following values:

  • Policy-Min-TLS-1-0-2019-07: TLS security policy which supports TLSv1.0 and higher.

  • Policy-Min-TLS-1-2-2019-07: TLS security policy which supports only TLSv1.2

CustomEndpointEnabled -> (boolean)

Specify if custom endpoint should be enabled for the Elasticsearch domain.

CustomEndpoint -> (string)

Specify the fully qualified domain for your custom endpoint.

CustomEndpointCertificateArn -> (string)

Specify ACM certificate ARN for your custom endpoint.

Shorthand Syntax:


JSON Syntax:

  "EnforceHTTPS": true|false,
  "TLSSecurityPolicy": "Policy-Min-TLS-1-0-2019-07"|"Policy-Min-TLS-1-2-2019-07",
  "CustomEndpointEnabled": true|false,
  "CustomEndpoint": "string",
  "CustomEndpointCertificateArn": "string"

--advanced-security-options (structure)

Specifies advanced security options.

Enabled -> (boolean)

True if advanced security is enabled.

InternalUserDatabaseEnabled -> (boolean)

True if the internal user database is enabled.

MasterUserOptions -> (structure)

Credentials for the master user: username and password, ARN, or both.

MasterUserARN -> (string)

ARN for the master user (if IAM is enabled).

MasterUserName -> (string)

The master user’s username, which is stored in the Amazon Elasticsearch Service domain’s internal database.

MasterUserPassword -> (string)

The master user’s password, which is stored in the Amazon Elasticsearch Service domain’s internal database.

SAMLOptions -> (structure)

Specifies the SAML application configuration for the domain.

Enabled -> (boolean)

True if SAML is enabled.

Idp -> (structure)

Specifies the SAML Identity Provider’s information.

MetadataContent -> (string)

The Metadata of the SAML application in xml format.

EntityId -> (string)

The unique Entity ID of the application in SAML Identity Provider.

MasterUserName -> (string)

The SAML master username, which is stored in the Amazon Elasticsearch Service domain’s internal database.

MasterBackendRole -> (string)

The backend role to which the SAML master user is mapped to.

SubjectKey -> (string)

The key to use for matching the SAML Subject attribute.

RolesKey -> (string)

The key to use for matching the SAML Roles attribute.

SessionTimeoutMinutes -> (integer)

The duration, in minutes, after which a user session becomes inactive. Acceptable values are between 1 and 1440, and the default value is 60.

Shorthand Syntax:


JSON Syntax:

  "Enabled": true|false,
  "InternalUserDatabaseEnabled": true|false,
  "MasterUserOptions": {
    "MasterUserARN": "string",
    "MasterUserName": "string",
    "MasterUserPassword": "string"
  "SAMLOptions": {
    "Enabled": true|false,
    "Idp": {
      "MetadataContent": "string",
      "EntityId": "string"
    "MasterUserName": "string",
    "MasterBackendRole": "string",
    "SubjectKey": "string",
    "RolesKey": "string",
    "SessionTimeoutMinutes": integer

--node-to-node-encryption-options (structure)

Specifies the NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions.

Enabled -> (boolean)

Specify true to enable node-to-node encryption.

Shorthand Syntax:


JSON Syntax:

  "Enabled": true|false

--encryption-at-rest-options (structure)

Specifies the Encryption At Rest Options.

Enabled -> (boolean)

Specifies the option to enable Encryption At Rest.

KmsKeyId -> (string)

Specifies the KMS Key ID for Encryption At Rest options.

Shorthand Syntax:


JSON Syntax:

  "Enabled": true|false,
  "KmsKeyId": "string"

--auto-tune-options (structure)

Specifies Auto-Tune options.

DesiredState -> (string)

Specifies the Auto-Tune desired state. Valid values are ENABLED, DISABLED.

RollbackOnDisable -> (string)

Specifies the rollback state while disabling Auto-Tune for the domain. Valid values are NO_ROLLBACK, DEFAULT_ROLLBACK.

MaintenanceSchedules -> (list)

Specifies list of maitenance schedules. See the Developer Guide for more information.


Specifies Auto-Tune maitenance schedule. See the Developer Guide for more information.

StartAt -> (timestamp)

Specifies timestamp at which Auto-Tune maintenance schedule start.

Duration -> (structure)

Specifies maintenance schedule duration: duration value and duration unit. See the Developer Guide for more information.

Value -> (long)

Integer to specify the value of a maintenance schedule duration. See the Developer Guide for more information.

Unit -> (string)

Specifies the unit of a maintenance schedule duration. Valid value is HOURS. See the Developer Guide for more information.

CronExpressionForRecurrence -> (string)

Specifies cron expression for a recurring maintenance schedule. See the Developer Guide for more information.

JSON Syntax:

  "DesiredState": "ENABLED"|"DISABLED",
  "RollbackOnDisable": "NO_ROLLBACK"|"DEFAULT_ROLLBACK",
  "MaintenanceSchedules": [
      "StartAt": timestamp,
      "Duration": {
        "Value": long,
        "Unit": "HOURS"
      "CronExpressionForRecurrence": "string"

--cli-input-json | --cli-input-yaml (string) Reads arguments from the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by --generate-cli-skeleton. If other arguments are provided on the command line, those values will override the JSON-provided values. It is not possible to pass arbitrary binary values using a JSON-provided value as the string will be taken literally. This may not be specified along with --cli-input-yaml.

--generate-cli-skeleton (string) Prints a JSON skeleton to standard output without sending an API request. If provided with no value or the value input, prints a sample input JSON that can be used as an argument for --cli-input-json. Similarly, if provided yaml-input it will print a sample input YAML that can be used with --cli-input-yaml. If provided with the value output, it validates the command inputs and returns a sample output JSON for that command.

See ‘aws help’ for descriptions of global parameters.


DomainConfig -> (structure)

The status of the updated Elasticsearch domain.

ElasticsearchVersion -> (structure)

String of format X.Y to specify version for the Elasticsearch domain.

Options -> (string)

Specifies the Elasticsearch version for the specified Elasticsearch domain.

Status -> (structure)

Specifies the status of the Elasticsearch version options for the specified Elasticsearch domain.

CreationDate -> (timestamp)

Timestamp which tells the creation date for the entity.

UpdateDate -> (timestamp)

Timestamp which tells the last updated time for the entity.

UpdateVersion -> (integer)

Specifies the latest version for the entity.

State -> (string)

Provides the OptionState for the Elasticsearch domain.

PendingDeletion -> (boolean)

Indicates whether the Elasticsearch domain is being deleted.

ElasticsearchClusterConfig -> (structure)

Specifies the ElasticsearchClusterConfig for the Elasticsearch domain.

Options -> (structure)

Specifies the cluster configuration for the specified Elasticsearch domain.

InstanceType -> (string)

The instance type for an Elasticsearch cluster. UltraWarm instance types are not supported for data instances.

InstanceCount -> (integer)

The number of instances in the specified domain cluster.

DedicatedMasterEnabled -> (boolean)

A boolean value to indicate whether a dedicated master node is enabled. See About Dedicated Master Nodes for more information.

ZoneAwarenessEnabled -> (boolean)

A boolean value to indicate whether zone awareness is enabled. See About Zone Awareness for more information.

ZoneAwarenessConfig -> (structure)

Specifies the zone awareness configuration for a domain when zone awareness is enabled.

AvailabilityZoneCount -> (integer)

An integer value to indicate the number of availability zones for a domain when zone awareness is enabled. This should be equal to number of subnets if VPC endpoints is enabled

DedicatedMasterType -> (string)

The instance type for a dedicated master node.

DedicatedMasterCount -> (integer)

Total number of dedicated master nodes, active and on standby, for the cluster.

WarmEnabled -> (boolean)

True to enable warm storage.

WarmType -> (string)

The instance type for the Elasticsearch cluster’s warm nodes.

WarmCount -> (integer)

The number of warm nodes in the cluster.

Status -> (structure)

Specifies the status of the configuration for the specified Elasticsearch domain.

CreationDate -> (timestamp)

Timestamp which tells the creation date for the entity.

UpdateDate -> (timestamp)

Timestamp which tells the last updated time for the entity.

UpdateVersion -> (integer)

Specifies the latest version for the entity.

State -> (string)

Provides the OptionState for the Elasticsearch domain.

PendingDeletion -> (boolean)

Indicates whether the Elasticsearch domain is being deleted.

EBSOptions -> (structure)

Specifies the EBSOptions for the Elasticsearch domain.

Options -> (structure)

Specifies the EBS options for the specified Elasticsearch domain.

EBSEnabled -> (boolean)

Specifies whether EBS-based storage is enabled.

VolumeType -> (string)

Specifies the volume type for EBS-based storage.

VolumeSize -> (integer)

Integer to specify the size of an EBS volume.

Iops -> (integer)

Specifies the IOPD for a Provisioned IOPS EBS volume (SSD).

Status -> (structure)

Specifies the status of the EBS options for the specified Elasticsearch domain.

CreationDate -> (timestamp)

Timestamp which tells the creation date for the entity.

UpdateDate -> (timestamp)

Timestamp which tells the last updated time for the entity.

UpdateVersion -> (integer)

Specifies the latest version for the entity.

State -> (string)

Provides the OptionState for the Elasticsearch domain.

PendingDeletion -> (boolean)

Indicates whether the Elasticsearch domain is being deleted.

AccessPolicies -> (structure)

IAM access policy as a JSON-formatted string.

Options -> (string)

The access policy configured for the Elasticsearch domain. Access policies may be resource-based, IP-based, or IAM-based. See Configuring Access Policies for more information.

Status -> (structure)

The status of the access policy for the Elasticsearch domain. See OptionStatus for the status information that’s included.

CreationDate -> (timestamp)

Timestamp which tells the creation date for the entity.

UpdateDate -> (timestamp)

Timestamp which tells the last updated time for the entity.

UpdateVersion -> (integer)

Specifies the latest version for the entity.

State -> (string)

Provides the OptionState for the Elasticsearch domain.

PendingDeletion -> (boolean)

Indicates whether the Elasticsearch domain is being deleted.

SnapshotOptions -> (structure)

Specifies the SnapshotOptions for the Elasticsearch domain.

Options -> (structure)

Specifies the daily snapshot options specified for the Elasticsearch domain.

AutomatedSnapshotStartHour -> (integer)

Specifies the time, in UTC format, when the service takes a daily automated snapshot of the specified Elasticsearch domain. Default value is 0 hours.

Status -> (structure)

Specifies the status of a daily automated snapshot.

CreationDate -> (timestamp)

Timestamp which tells the creation date for the entity.

UpdateDate -> (timestamp)

Timestamp which tells the last updated time for the entity.

UpdateVersion -> (integer)

Specifies the latest version for the entity.

State -> (string)

Provides the OptionState for the Elasticsearch domain.

PendingDeletion -> (boolean)

Indicates whether the Elasticsearch domain is being deleted.

VPCOptions -> (structure)

The VPCOptions for the specified domain. For more information, see VPC Endpoints for Amazon Elasticsearch Service Domains .

Options -> (structure)

Specifies the VPC options for the specified Elasticsearch domain.

VPCId -> (string)

The VPC Id for the Elasticsearch domain. Exists only if the domain was created with VPCOptions.

SubnetIds -> (list)

Specifies the subnets for VPC endpoint.


AvailabilityZones -> (list)

The availability zones for the Elasticsearch domain. Exists only if the domain was created with VPCOptions.


SecurityGroupIds -> (list)

Specifies the security groups for VPC endpoint.


Status -> (structure)

Specifies the status of the VPC options for the specified Elasticsearch domain.

CreationDate -> (timestamp)

Timestamp which tells the creation date for the entity.

UpdateDate -> (timestamp)

Timestamp which tells the last updated time for the entity.

UpdateVersion -> (integer)

Specifies the latest version for the entity.

State -> (string)

Provides the OptionState for the Elasticsearch domain.

PendingDeletion -> (boolean)

Indicates whether the Elasticsearch domain is being deleted.

CognitoOptions -> (structure)

The CognitoOptions for the specified domain. For more information, see Amazon Cognito Authentication for Kibana .

Options -> (structure)

Specifies the Cognito options for the specified Elasticsearch domain.

Enabled -> (boolean)

Specifies the option to enable Cognito for Kibana authentication.

UserPoolId -> (string)

Specifies the Cognito user pool ID for Kibana authentication.

IdentityPoolId -> (string)

Specifies the Cognito identity pool ID for Kibana authentication.

RoleArn -> (string)

Specifies the role ARN that provides Elasticsearch permissions for accessing Cognito resources.

Status -> (structure)

Specifies the status of the Cognito options for the specified Elasticsearch domain.

CreationDate -> (timestamp)

Timestamp which tells the creation date for the entity.

UpdateDate -> (timestamp)

Timestamp which tells the last updated time for the entity.

UpdateVersion -> (integer)

Specifies the latest version for the entity.

State -> (string)

Provides the OptionState for the Elasticsearch domain.

PendingDeletion -> (boolean)

Indicates whether the Elasticsearch domain is being deleted.

EncryptionAtRestOptions -> (structure)

Specifies the EncryptionAtRestOptions for the Elasticsearch domain.

Options -> (structure)

Specifies the Encryption At Rest options for the specified Elasticsearch domain.

Enabled -> (boolean)

Specifies the option to enable Encryption At Rest.

KmsKeyId -> (string)

Specifies the KMS Key ID for Encryption At Rest options.

Status -> (structure)

Specifies the status of the Encryption At Rest options for the specified Elasticsearch domain.

CreationDate -> (timestamp)

Timestamp which tells the creation date for the entity.

UpdateDate -> (timestamp)

Timestamp which tells the last updated time for the entity.

UpdateVersion -> (integer)

Specifies the latest version for the entity.

State -> (string)

Provides the OptionState for the Elasticsearch domain.

PendingDeletion -> (boolean)

Indicates whether the Elasticsearch domain is being deleted.

NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions -> (structure)

Specifies the NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions for the Elasticsearch domain.

Options -> (structure)

Specifies the node-to-node encryption options for the specified Elasticsearch domain.

Enabled -> (boolean)

Specify true to enable node-to-node encryption.

Status -> (structure)

Specifies the status of the node-to-node encryption options for the specified Elasticsearch domain.

CreationDate -> (timestamp)

Timestamp which tells the creation date for the entity.

UpdateDate -> (timestamp)

Timestamp which tells the last updated time for the entity.

UpdateVersion -> (integer)

Specifies the latest version for the entity.

State -> (string)

Provides the OptionState for the Elasticsearch domain.

PendingDeletion -> (boolean)

Indicates whether the Elasticsearch domain is being deleted.

AdvancedOptions -> (structure)

Specifies the AdvancedOptions for the domain. See Configuring Advanced Options for more information.

Options -> (map)

Specifies the status of advanced options for the specified Elasticsearch domain.

key -> (string)

value -> (string)

Status -> (structure)

Specifies the status of OptionStatus for advanced options for the specified Elasticsearch domain.

CreationDate -> (timestamp)

Timestamp which tells the creation date for the entity.

UpdateDate -> (timestamp)

Timestamp which tells the last updated time for the entity.

UpdateVersion -> (integer)

Specifies the latest version for the entity.

State -> (string)

Provides the OptionState for the Elasticsearch domain.

PendingDeletion -> (boolean)

Indicates whether the Elasticsearch domain is being deleted.

LogPublishingOptions -> (structure)

Log publishing options for the given domain.

Options -> (map)

The log publishing options configured for the Elasticsearch domain.

key -> (string)

Type of Log File, it can be one of the following:

  • INDEX_SLOW_LOGS: Index slow logs contain insert requests that took more time than configured index query log threshold to execute.

  • SEARCH_SLOW_LOGS: Search slow logs contain search queries that took more time than configured search query log threshold to execute.

  • ES_APPLICATION_LOGS: Elasticsearch application logs contain information about errors and warnings raised during the operation of the service and can be useful for troubleshooting.

  • AUDIT_LOGS: Audit logs contain records of user requests for access from the domain.

value -> (structure)

Log Publishing option that is set for given domain. Attributes and their details:

  • CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn: ARN of the Cloudwatch log group to which log needs to be published.

  • Enabled: Whether the log publishing for given log type is enabled or not

CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn -> (string)

ARN of the Cloudwatch log group to which log needs to be published.

Enabled -> (boolean)

Specifies whether given log publishing option is enabled or not.

Status -> (structure)

The status of the log publishing options for the Elasticsearch domain. See OptionStatus for the status information that’s included.

CreationDate -> (timestamp)

Timestamp which tells the creation date for the entity.

UpdateDate -> (timestamp)

Timestamp which tells the last updated time for the entity.

UpdateVersion -> (integer)

Specifies the latest version for the entity.

State -> (string)

Provides the OptionState for the Elasticsearch domain.

PendingDeletion -> (boolean)

Indicates whether the Elasticsearch domain is being deleted.

DomainEndpointOptions -> (structure)

Specifies the DomainEndpointOptions for the Elasticsearch domain.

Options -> (structure)

Options to configure endpoint for the Elasticsearch domain.

EnforceHTTPS -> (boolean)

Specify if only HTTPS endpoint should be enabled for the Elasticsearch domain.

TLSSecurityPolicy -> (string)

Specify the TLS security policy that needs to be applied to the HTTPS endpoint of Elasticsearch domain. It can be one of the following values:

  • Policy-Min-TLS-1-0-2019-07: TLS security policy which supports TLSv1.0 and higher.

  • Policy-Min-TLS-1-2-2019-07: TLS security policy which supports only TLSv1.2

CustomEndpointEnabled -> (boolean)

Specify if custom endpoint should be enabled for the Elasticsearch domain.

CustomEndpoint -> (string)

Specify the fully qualified domain for your custom endpoint.

CustomEndpointCertificateArn -> (string)

Specify ACM certificate ARN for your custom endpoint.

Status -> (structure)

The status of the endpoint options for the Elasticsearch domain. See OptionStatus for the status information that’s included.

CreationDate -> (timestamp)

Timestamp which tells the creation date for the entity.

UpdateDate -> (timestamp)

Timestamp which tells the last updated time for the entity.

UpdateVersion -> (integer)

Specifies the latest version for the entity.

State -> (string)

Provides the OptionState for the Elasticsearch domain.

PendingDeletion -> (boolean)

Indicates whether the Elasticsearch domain is being deleted.

AdvancedSecurityOptions -> (structure)

Specifies AdvancedSecurityOptions for the domain.

Options -> (structure)

Specifies advanced security options for the specified Elasticsearch domain.

Enabled -> (boolean)

True if advanced security is enabled.

InternalUserDatabaseEnabled -> (boolean)

True if the internal user database is enabled.

SAMLOptions -> (structure)

Describes the SAML application configured for a domain.

Enabled -> (boolean)

True if SAML is enabled.

Idp -> (structure)

Describes the SAML Identity Provider’s information.

MetadataContent -> (string)

The Metadata of the SAML application in xml format.

EntityId -> (string)

The unique Entity ID of the application in SAML Identity Provider.

SubjectKey -> (string)

The key used for matching the SAML Subject attribute.

RolesKey -> (string)

The key used for matching the SAML Roles attribute.

SessionTimeoutMinutes -> (integer)

The duration, in minutes, after which a user session becomes inactive.

Status -> (structure)

Status of the advanced security options for the specified Elasticsearch domain.

CreationDate -> (timestamp)

Timestamp which tells the creation date for the entity.

UpdateDate -> (timestamp)

Timestamp which tells the last updated time for the entity.

UpdateVersion -> (integer)

Specifies the latest version for the entity.

State -> (string)

Provides the OptionState for the Elasticsearch domain.

PendingDeletion -> (boolean)

Indicates whether the Elasticsearch domain is being deleted.

AutoTuneOptions -> (structure)

Specifies AutoTuneOptions for the domain.

Options -> (structure)

Specifies Auto-Tune options for the specified Elasticsearch domain.

DesiredState -> (string)

Specifies the Auto-Tune desired state. Valid values are ENABLED, DISABLED.

RollbackOnDisable -> (string)

Specifies the rollback state while disabling Auto-Tune for the domain. Valid values are NO_ROLLBACK, DEFAULT_ROLLBACK.

MaintenanceSchedules -> (list)

Specifies list of maitenance schedules. See the Developer Guide for more information.


Specifies Auto-Tune maitenance schedule. See the Developer Guide for more information.

StartAt -> (timestamp)

Specifies timestamp at which Auto-Tune maintenance schedule start.

Duration -> (structure)

Specifies maintenance schedule duration: duration value and duration unit. See the Developer Guide for more information.

Value -> (long)

Integer to specify the value of a maintenance schedule duration. See the Developer Guide for more information.

Unit -> (string)

Specifies the unit of a maintenance schedule duration. Valid value is HOURS. See the Developer Guide for more information.

CronExpressionForRecurrence -> (string)

Specifies cron expression for a recurring maintenance schedule. See the Developer Guide for more information.

Status -> (structure)

Specifies Status of the Auto-Tune options for the specified Elasticsearch domain.

CreationDate -> (timestamp)

Timestamp which tells Auto-Tune options creation date .

UpdateDate -> (timestamp)

Timestamp which tells Auto-Tune options last updated time.

UpdateVersion -> (integer)

Specifies the Auto-Tune options latest version.

State -> (string)

Specifies the AutoTuneState for the Elasticsearch domain.

ErrorMessage -> (string)

Specifies the error message while enabling or disabling the Auto-Tune options.

PendingDeletion -> (boolean)

Indicates whether the Elasticsearch domain is being deleted.