[ aws ]
The Amazon Web Services Price List API is a centralized and convenient way to programmatically query Amazon Web Services for services, products, and pricing information. The Amazon Web Services Price List uses standardized product attributes such as Location
, Storage Class
, and Operating System
, and provides prices at the SKU level. You can use the Amazon Web Services Price List to do the following:
Use GetServices
without a service code to retrieve the service codes for all Amazon Web Services, then GetServices
with a service code to retrieve the attribute names for that service. After you have the service code and attribute names, you can use GetAttributeValues
to see what values are available for an attribute. With the service code and an attribute name and value, you can use GetProducts
to find specific products that you’re interested in, such as an AmazonEC2
instance, with a Provisioned IOPS
For more information, see Using the Amazon Web Services Price List API in the Billing User Guide .