[ aws . configure ]



Get a configuration value from the config file.

The aws configure get command can be used to print a configuration value in the AWS config file. The get command supports two types of configuration values, unqualified and qualified config values.

Note that aws configure get only looks at values in the AWS configuration file. It does not resolve configuration variables specified anywhere else, including environment variables, command line arguments, etc.

Unqualified Names

Every value in the AWS configuration file must be placed in a section (denoted by [section-name] in the config file). To retrieve a value from the config file, the section name and the config name must be known.

An unqualified configuration name refers to a name that is not scoped to a specific section in the configuration file. Sections are specified by separating parts with the "." character (section.config-name). An unqualified name will be scoped to the current profile. For example, aws configure get aws_access_key_id will retrieve the aws_access_key_id from the current profile, or the default profile if no profile is specified. You can still provide a --profile argument to the aws configure get command. For example, aws configure get region --profile testing will print the region value for the testing profile.

Qualified Names

A qualified name is a name that has at least one "." character in the name. This name provides a way to specify the config section from which to retrieve the config variable. When a qualified name is provided to aws configure get, the currently specified profile is ignored. Section names that have the format [profile profile-name] can be specified by using the profile.profile-name.config-name syntax, and the default profile can be specified using the default.config-name syntax.

See ‘aws help’ for descriptions of global parameters.


aws configure get varname [--profile profile-name]


varname (string) The name of the config value to retrieve.

See ‘aws help’ for descriptions of global parameters.


Suppose you had the following config file:


[profile testing]

The following commands would have the corresponding output:

$ aws configure get aws_access_key_id

$ aws configure get default.aws_access_key_id

$ aws configure get aws_access_key_id --profile testing

$ aws configure get profile.testing.aws_access_key_id

$ aws configure get profile.does-not-exist
$ echo $?