[ aws . apigateway ]



Gets information about a Stage resource.

See also: AWS API Documentation

See ‘aws help’ for descriptions of global parameters.


--rest-api-id <value>
--stage-name <value>
[--cli-input-json | --cli-input-yaml]
[--generate-cli-skeleton <value>]


--rest-api-id (string)

[Required] The string identifier of the associated RestApi .

--stage-name (string)

[Required] The name of the Stage resource to get information about.

--cli-input-json | --cli-input-yaml (string) Reads arguments from the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by --generate-cli-skeleton. If other arguments are provided on the command line, those values will override the JSON-provided values. It is not possible to pass arbitrary binary values using a JSON-provided value as the string will be taken literally. This may not be specified along with --cli-input-yaml.

--generate-cli-skeleton (string) Prints a JSON skeleton to standard output without sending an API request. If provided with no value or the value input, prints a sample input JSON that can be used as an argument for --cli-input-json. Similarly, if provided yaml-input it will print a sample input YAML that can be used with --cli-input-yaml. If provided with the value output, it validates the command inputs and returns a sample output JSON for that command.

See ‘aws help’ for descriptions of global parameters.


To get information about an API’s stage


aws apigateway get-stage --rest-api-id 1234123412 --stage-name dev


    "stageName": "dev",
    "cacheClusterSize": "0.5",
    "cacheClusterEnabled": false,
    "cacheClusterStatus": "NOT_AVAILABLE",
    "deploymentId": "rbh1fj",
    "lastUpdatedDate": 1466802961,
    "createdDate": 1460682074,
    "methodSettings": {
        "*/*": {
            "cacheTtlInSeconds": 300,
            "loggingLevel": "INFO",
            "dataTraceEnabled": false,
            "metricsEnabled": true,
            "unauthorizedCacheControlHeaderStrategy": "SUCCEED_WITH_RESPONSE_HEADER",
            "throttlingRateLimit": 500.0,
            "cacheDataEncrypted": false,
            "cachingEnabled": false,
            "throttlingBurstLimit": 1000,
            "requireAuthorizationForCacheControl": true
        "~1resource/GET": {
            "cacheTtlInSeconds": 300,
            "loggingLevel": "INFO",
            "dataTraceEnabled": false,
            "metricsEnabled": true,
            "unauthorizedCacheControlHeaderStrategy": "SUCCEED_WITH_RESPONSE_HEADER",
            "throttlingRateLimit": 500.0,
            "cacheDataEncrypted": false,
            "cachingEnabled": false,
            "throttlingBurstLimit": 1000,
            "requireAuthorizationForCacheControl": true


deploymentId -> (string)

The identifier of the Deployment that the stage points to.

clientCertificateId -> (string)

The identifier of a client certificate for an API stage.

stageName -> (string)

The name of the stage is the first path segment in the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of a call to API Gateway. Stage names can only contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores. Maximum length is 128 characters.

description -> (string)

The stage’s description.

cacheClusterEnabled -> (boolean)

Specifies whether a cache cluster is enabled for the stage.

cacheClusterSize -> (string)

The size of the cache cluster for the stage, if enabled.

cacheClusterStatus -> (string)

The status of the cache cluster for the stage, if enabled.

methodSettings -> (map)

A map that defines the method settings for a Stage resource. Keys (designated as /{method_setting_key below) are method paths defined as {resource_path}/{http_method} for an individual method override, or /\*/\* for overriding all methods in the stage.

key -> (string)

value -> (structure)

Specifies the method setting properties.

metricsEnabled -> (boolean)

Specifies whether Amazon CloudWatch metrics are enabled for this method. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/metrics/enabled , and the value is a Boolean.

loggingLevel -> (string)

Specifies the logging level for this method, which affects the log entries pushed to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/logging/loglevel , and the available levels are OFF , ERROR , and INFO . Choose ERROR to write only error-level entries to CloudWatch Logs, or choose INFO to include all ERROR events as well as extra informational events.

dataTraceEnabled -> (boolean)

Specifies whether full requests and responses are logged for this method, which affects the log entries pushed to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. This can be useful to troubleshoot APIs, but can result in logging sensitive data. We recommend that you don’t enable this option for production APIs. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/logging/dataTrace , and the value is a Boolean.

throttlingBurstLimit -> (integer)

Specifies the throttling burst limit. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/throttling/burstLimit , and the value is an integer.

throttlingRateLimit -> (double)

Specifies the throttling rate limit. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/throttling/rateLimit , and the value is a double.

cachingEnabled -> (boolean)

Specifies whether responses should be cached and returned for requests. A cache cluster must be enabled on the stage for responses to be cached. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/caching/enabled , and the value is a Boolean.

cacheTtlInSeconds -> (integer)

Specifies the time to live (TTL), in seconds, for cached responses. The higher the TTL, the longer the response will be cached. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/caching/ttlInSeconds , and the value is an integer.

cacheDataEncrypted -> (boolean)

Specifies whether the cached responses are encrypted. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/caching/dataEncrypted , and the value is a Boolean.

requireAuthorizationForCacheControl -> (boolean)

Specifies whether authorization is required for a cache invalidation request. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/caching/requireAuthorizationForCacheControl , and the value is a Boolean.

unauthorizedCacheControlHeaderStrategy -> (string)

Specifies how to handle unauthorized requests for cache invalidation. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/caching/unauthorizedCacheControlHeaderStrategy , and the available values are FAIL_WITH_403 , SUCCEED_WITH_RESPONSE_HEADER , SUCCEED_WITHOUT_RESPONSE_HEADER .

variables -> (map)

A map that defines the stage variables for a Stage resource. Variable names can have alphanumeric and underscore characters, and the values must match [A-Za-z0-9-._~:/?#&=,]+ .

key -> (string)

value -> (string)

documentationVersion -> (string)

The version of the associated API documentation.

accessLogSettings -> (structure)

Settings for logging access in this stage.

format -> (string)

A single line format of the access logs of data, as specified by selected $context variables . The format must include at least $context.requestId .

destinationArn -> (string)

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the CloudWatch Logs log group or Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream to receive access logs. If you specify a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream, the stream name must begin with amazon-apigateway- .

canarySettings -> (structure)

Settings for the canary deployment in this stage.

percentTraffic -> (double)

The percent (0-100) of traffic diverted to a canary deployment.

deploymentId -> (string)

The ID of the canary deployment.

stageVariableOverrides -> (map)

Stage variables overridden for a canary release deployment, including new stage variables introduced in the canary. These stage variables are represented as a string-to-string map between stage variable names and their values.

key -> (string)

value -> (string)

useStageCache -> (boolean)

A Boolean flag to indicate whether the canary deployment uses the stage cache or not.

tracingEnabled -> (boolean)

Specifies whether active tracing with X-ray is enabled for the Stage .

webAclArn -> (string)

The ARN of the WebAcl associated with the Stage .

tags -> (map)

The collection of tags. Each tag element is associated with a given resource.

key -> (string)

value -> (string)

createdDate -> (timestamp)

The timestamp when the stage was created.

lastUpdatedDate -> (timestamp)

The timestamp when the stage last updated.