[ aws . appflow ]



Lists all of the flows associated with your account.

See also: AWS API Documentation

See ‘aws help’ for descriptions of global parameters.


[--max-results <value>]
[--next-token <value>]
[--cli-input-json | --cli-input-yaml]
[--generate-cli-skeleton <value>]


--max-results (integer)

Specifies the maximum number of items that should be returned in the result set.

--next-token (string)

The pagination token for next page of data.

--cli-input-json | --cli-input-yaml (string) Reads arguments from the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by --generate-cli-skeleton. If other arguments are provided on the command line, those values will override the JSON-provided values. It is not possible to pass arbitrary binary values using a JSON-provided value as the string will be taken literally. This may not be specified along with --cli-input-yaml.

--generate-cli-skeleton (string) Prints a JSON skeleton to standard output without sending an API request. If provided with no value or the value input, prints a sample input JSON that can be used as an argument for --cli-input-json. Similarly, if provided yaml-input it will print a sample input YAML that can be used with --cli-input-yaml. If provided with the value output, it validates the command inputs and returns a sample output JSON for that command.

See ‘aws help’ for descriptions of global parameters.


flows -> (list)

The list of flows associated with your account.


The properties of the flow, such as its source, destination, trigger type, and so on.

flowArn -> (string)

The flow’s Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

description -> (string)

A user-entered description of the flow.

flowName -> (string)

The specified name of the flow. Spaces are not allowed. Use underscores (_) or hyphens (-) only.

flowStatus -> (string)

Indicates the current status of the flow.

sourceConnectorType -> (string)

Specifies the source connector type, such as Salesforce, Amazon S3, Amplitude, and so on.

sourceConnectorLabel -> (string)

The label of the source connector in the flow.

destinationConnectorType -> (string)

Specifies the destination connector type, such as Salesforce, Amazon S3, Amplitude, and so on.

destinationConnectorLabel -> (string)

The label of the destination connector in the flow.

triggerType -> (string)

Specifies the type of flow trigger. This can be OnDemand , Scheduled , or Event .

createdAt -> (timestamp)

Specifies when the flow was created.

lastUpdatedAt -> (timestamp)

Specifies when the flow was last updated.

createdBy -> (string)

The ARN of the user who created the flow.

lastUpdatedBy -> (string)

Specifies the account user name that most recently updated the flow.

tags -> (map)

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for your flow.

key -> (string)

value -> (string)

lastRunExecutionDetails -> (structure)

Describes the details of the most recent flow run.

mostRecentExecutionMessage -> (string)

Describes the details of the most recent flow run.

mostRecentExecutionTime -> (timestamp)

Specifies the time of the most recent flow run.

mostRecentExecutionStatus -> (string)

Specifies the status of the most recent flow run.

nextToken -> (string)

The pagination token for next page of data.