[ aws . cloudcontrol ]



Returns existing resource operation requests. This includes requests of all status types. For more information, see Listing active resource operation requests in the Amazon Web Services Cloud Control API User Guide .


Resource operation requests expire after seven days.

See also: AWS API Documentation

See ‘aws help’ for descriptions of global parameters.


[--max-results <value>]
[--next-token <value>]
[--resource-request-status-filter <value>]
[--cli-input-json | --cli-input-yaml]
[--generate-cli-skeleton <value>]


--max-results (integer)

The maximum number of results to be returned with a single call. If the number of available results exceeds this maximum, the response includes a NextToken value that you can assign to the NextToken request parameter to get the next set of results.

The default is 20 .

--next-token (string)

If the previous paginated request didn’t return all of the remaining results, the response object’s NextToken parameter value is set to a token. To retrieve the next set of results, call this action again and assign that token to the request object’s NextToken parameter. If there are no remaining results, the previous response object’s NextToken parameter is set to null .

--resource-request-status-filter (structure)

The filter criteria to apply to the requests returned.

Operations -> (list)

The operation types to include in the filter.


OperationStatuses -> (list)

The operation statuses to include in the filter.

  • PENDING : The operation has been requested, but not yet initiated.

  • IN_PROGRESS : The operation is currently in progress.

  • SUCCESS : The operation has successfully completed.

  • FAILED : The operation has failed.

  • CANCEL_IN_PROGRESS : The operation is currently in the process of being canceled.

  • CANCEL_COMPLETE : The operation has been canceled.


Shorthand Syntax:


JSON Syntax:

  "Operations": ["CREATE"|"DELETE"|"UPDATE", ...],

--cli-input-json | --cli-input-yaml (string) Reads arguments from the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by --generate-cli-skeleton. If other arguments are provided on the command line, those values will override the JSON-provided values. It is not possible to pass arbitrary binary values using a JSON-provided value as the string will be taken literally. This may not be specified along with --cli-input-yaml.

--generate-cli-skeleton (string) Prints a JSON skeleton to standard output without sending an API request. If provided with no value or the value input, prints a sample input JSON that can be used as an argument for --cli-input-json. Similarly, if provided yaml-input it will print a sample input YAML that can be used with --cli-input-yaml. If provided with the value output, it validates the command inputs and returns a sample output JSON for that command.

See ‘aws help’ for descriptions of global parameters.


To list the active resource operation requests

The following list-resource-requests example lists the resource requests for CREATE and UPDATE operations that have failed in your AWS account.

aws cloudcontrol list-resource-requests \
    --resource-request-status-filter Operations=CREATE,OperationStatuses=FAILED


    "ResourceRequestStatusSummaries": [
            "TypeName": "AWS::Kinesis::Stream",
            "Identifier": "Demo",
            "RequestToken": "e1a6b86e-46bd-41ac-bfba-633abcdfdbd7",
            "Operation": "CREATE",
            "OperationStatus": "FAILED",
            "EventTime": 1632950268.481,
            "StatusMessage": "Resource of type 'AWS::Kinesis::Stream' with identifier 'Demo' already exists.",
            "ErrorCode": "AlreadyExists"

For more information, see Managing resource operation requests in the Cloud Control API User Guide.


ResourceRequestStatusSummaries -> (list)

The requests that match the specified filter criteria.


Represents the current status of a resource operation request. For more information, see Managing resource operation requests in the Amazon Web Services Cloud Control API User Guide .

TypeName -> (string)

The name of the resource type used in the operation.

Identifier -> (string)

The primary identifier for the resource.


In some cases, the resource identifier may be available before the resource operation has reached a status of SUCCESS .

RequestToken -> (string)

The unique token representing this resource operation request.

Use the RequestToken with GetResourceRequestStatus to return the current status of a resource operation request.

Operation -> (string)

The resource operation type.

OperationStatus -> (string)

The current status of the resource operation request.

  • PENDING : The resource operation has not yet started.

  • IN_PROGRESS : The resource operation is currently in progress.

  • SUCCESS : The resource operation has successfully completed.

  • FAILED : The resource operation has failed. Refer to the error code and status message for more information.

  • CANCEL_IN_PROGRESS : The resource operation is in the process of being canceled.

  • CANCEL_COMPLETE : The resource operation has been canceled.

EventTime -> (timestamp)

When the resource operation request was initiated.

ResourceModel -> (string)

A JSON string containing the resource model, consisting of each resource property and its current value.

StatusMessage -> (string)

Any message explaining the current status.

ErrorCode -> (string)

For requests with a status of FAILED , the associated error code.

For error code definitions, see Handler error codes in the CloudFormation Command Line Interface User Guide for Extension Development .

RetryAfter -> (timestamp)

When to next request the status of this resource operation request.

NextToken -> (string)

If the request doesn’t return all of the remaining results, NextToken is set to a token. To retrieve the next set of results, call ListResources again and assign that token to the request object’s NextToken parameter. If the request returns all results, NextToken is set to null.