[ aws . auditmanager ]



Updates the status of a control set in an Audit Manager assessment.

See also: AWS API Documentation

See ‘aws help’ for descriptions of global parameters.


--assessment-id <value>
--control-set-id <value>
--status <value>
--comment <value>
[--cli-input-json | --cli-input-yaml]
[--generate-cli-skeleton <value>]


--assessment-id (string)

The unique identifier for the assessment.

--control-set-id (string)

The unique identifier for the control set.

--status (string)

The status of the control set that’s being updated.

Possible values:




--comment (string)

The comment that’s related to the status update.

--cli-input-json | --cli-input-yaml (string) Reads arguments from the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by --generate-cli-skeleton. If other arguments are provided on the command line, those values will override the JSON-provided values. It is not possible to pass arbitrary binary values using a JSON-provided value as the string will be taken literally. This may not be specified along with --cli-input-yaml.

--generate-cli-skeleton (string) Prints a JSON skeleton to standard output without sending an API request. If provided with no value or the value input, prints a sample input JSON that can be used as an argument for --cli-input-json. Similarly, if provided yaml-input it will print a sample input YAML that can be used with --cli-input-yaml. If provided with the value output, it validates the command inputs and returns a sample output JSON for that command.

See ‘aws help’ for descriptions of global parameters.


controlSet -> (structure)

The name of the updated control set that the UpdateAssessmentControlSetStatus API returned.

id -> (string)

The identifier of the control set in the assessment. This is the control set name in a plain string format.

description -> (string)

The description for the control set.

status -> (string)

Specifies the current status of the control set.

roles -> (list)

The roles that are associated with the control set.


The wrapper that contains the Audit Manager role information of the current user. This includes the role type and IAM Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

roleType -> (string)

The type of customer persona.


In CreateAssessment , roleType can only be PROCESS_OWNER .

In UpdateSettings , roleType can only be PROCESS_OWNER .

In BatchCreateDelegationByAssessment , roleType can only be RESOURCE_OWNER .

roleArn -> (string)

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role.

controls -> (list)

The list of controls that’s contained with the control set.


The control entity that represents a standard control or a custom control in an Audit Manager assessment.

id -> (string)

The identifier for the control.

name -> (string)

The name of the control.

description -> (string)

The description of the control.

status -> (string)

The status of the control.

response -> (string)

The response of the control.

comments -> (list)

The list of comments that’s attached to the control.


A comment that’s posted by a user on a control. This includes the author’s name, the comment text, and a timestamp.

authorName -> (string)

The name of the user who authored the comment.

commentBody -> (string)

The body text of a control comment.

postedDate -> (timestamp)

The time when the comment was posted.

evidenceSources -> (list)

The list of data sources for the evidence.


evidenceCount -> (integer)

The amount of evidence that’s generated for the control.

assessmentReportEvidenceCount -> (integer)

The amount of evidence in the assessment report.

delegations -> (list)

The delegations that are associated with the control set.


The assignment of a control set to a delegate for review.

id -> (string)

The unique identifier for the delegation.

assessmentName -> (string)

The name of the assessment that’s associated with the delegation.

assessmentId -> (string)

The identifier for the assessment that’s associated with the delegation.

status -> (string)

The status of the delegation.

roleArn -> (string)

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role.

roleType -> (string)

The type of customer persona.


In CreateAssessment , roleType can only be PROCESS_OWNER .

In UpdateSettings , roleType can only be PROCESS_OWNER .

In BatchCreateDelegationByAssessment , roleType can only be RESOURCE_OWNER .

creationTime -> (timestamp)

Specifies when the delegation was created.

lastUpdated -> (timestamp)

Specifies when the delegation was last updated.

controlSetId -> (string)

The identifier for the control set that’s associated with the delegation.

comment -> (string)

The comment that’s related to the delegation.

createdBy -> (string)

The IAM user or role that created the delegation.

systemEvidenceCount -> (integer)

The total number of evidence objects that are retrieved automatically for the control set.

manualEvidenceCount -> (integer)

The total number of evidence objects that are uploaded manually to the control set.