[ aws . ecs ]



Deploys a new task definition to the specified ECS service. Only services that use CodeDeploy for deployments are supported. This command will register a new task definition, update the CodeDeploy appspec with the new task definition revision, create a CodeDeploy deployment, and wait for the deployment to successfully complete. This command will exit with a return code of 255 if the deployment does not succeed within 30 minutes by default or up to 10 minutes more than your deployment group’s configured wait time (max of 6 hours).

See ‘aws help’ for descriptions of global parameters.


--service <value>
--task-definition <value>
--codedeploy-appspec <value>
[--cluster <value>]
[--codedeploy-application <value>]
[--codedeploy-deployment-group <value>]


--service (string) The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the service to update

--task-definition (string) The file path where your task definition file is located. The format of the file must be the same as the JSON output of:

aws ecs register-task-definition --generate-cli-skeleton

--codedeploy-appspec (string) The file path where your AWS CodeDeploy appspec file is located. The appspec file may be in JSON or YAML format. The TaskDefinition property will be updated within the appspec with the newly registered task definition ARN, overwriting any placeholder values in the file.

--cluster (string) The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster that your service is running within. If you do not specify a cluster, the “default” cluster is assumed.

--codedeploy-application (string) The name of the AWS CodeDeploy application to use for the deployment. The specified application must use the ‘ECS’ compute platform. If you do not specify an application, the application name AppECS-[CLUSTER_NAME]-[SERVICE_NAME] is assumed.

--codedeploy-deployment-group (string) The name of the AWS CodeDeploy deployment group to use for the deployment. The specified deployment group must be associated with the specified ECS service and cluster. If you do not specify a deployment group, the deployment group name DgpECS-[CLUSTER_NAME]-[SERVICE_NAME] is assumed.

See ‘aws help’ for descriptions of global parameters.